- Prioritize the kingdom of God
- Proclaim Christ’s kingdom
- Pledge Heavenly citizenship
- Pursue eternal victory
Reflection questions
Is it possible to become too focused on earthly kingdom’s and government that we miss the kingdom of God? What factors might indicate that we’re more committed to earthly kingdoms than Christ’s kingdom?
How does Christ’s kingdom differ from kingdoms of this world?
What does Jesus mean in Matthew 6:33 by “seeking first the Kingdom of God”? How does this apply to our daily decisions and priorities?
In Colossians 3:1-2, what are we called to “set our minds on”? In what ways can focusing on Christ’s transcendent Kingdom help you deal with frustrations over earthly authorities or systems?
How does Hebrews 12:28 describe the Kingdom we are receiving, and why should this bring us comfort?
In John 18:36, Jesus says His Kingdom is “not of this world.” How does this change our understanding of His authority and mission?
What steps can you take to live more fully as a “citizen of heaven,” embodying the values of God’s Kingdom in your relationships, work, and community involvement?
How does Luke 17:20-21 describe the Kingdom of God? How does this teaching challenge worldly views of power and control?
According to 1 Timothy 6:15-16, how is Christ uniquely qualified to be “King of kings”? How does this title influence how we respond to earthly authorities?
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