- The character of God
- Character traits of God
- Steadfastness
- Mercy
- Faithfulness
- Truth
- Character traits of God
- The response of God’s people
- The ethical implications of God’s character
Reflection Questions:
How has God been steadfast and faithful in your life? How would your life be different today without God’s steadfastness and faithfulness?
What other texts can you identify which speak of God’s steadfastness and faithfulness? How are these texts meaningful to you?
What might it mean to say that God is not a static God, but he is a steadfast God?
In last week’s sermon, we examined worship as a way of life. How does that idea fit with a response to God’s character with praise?
What does it mean that God’s character carries ethical implications for God’s people?
In what areas do you find it easy to imitate God’s character? What characteristics d you find it difficult to imitate God’s character?
How faithful would you say you are on a scale of 1-10?
Not faithful 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Exceptionally faithful
How might these practice help aid you in growing in steadfast faithfulness?
– Gratitude
– Truth Telling
– Forgiveness
– Detachment/ Attachment
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